The circle of spirits is a collection of druids who have sworn to address the plight of the spirits that still linger across the realm. Most of these druids see themselves as the shepherds for the lost or lingering souls, providing guidance, understandintrueg, and release. These druids invoke their magic to create powerful pyres that allow them to commune with spirits to seek guidance. The pyres attract the spirits of ancient kings, regretful commoners, or even mystical monstrosities. While some of these druids may fall from the original noble ideals, most follow the precepts of the circle as best they can.

Spirit Pyre Level: 2

Beginning at 2nd level, you gain a strong attunement to the realm of the lost, allowing you to create a connection with the spirits through a fire. If you spend at least 1 minute kindling and chanting over a fire, the fire begins a metamorphosis into a spirit pyre. In order to do this, the fire must meet all of the following requirements:

  • The fire must be stationary, such as a campfire, bonfire, or even fire place.
  • The fire must be sustained from organic matter, such as wood.

Once the spirit pyre is formed the spirits of the dead within a 1 mile radius are drawn towards it, and the pyre lasts until you extinguish it or leave a 90 foot radius of the pyre. The pyre shows a representation of the spirits desires ranging from hateful to benevolent by changing it’s color from a deep red to a vibrant violet based on the most common desire. A spirit pyre that has turned pure white only occurs when no spirits are in the radius.

You are able to provide guidance to the spirits that visit your spirit pyre and in exchange they give to you a power in the form of spirit fragments. When you take a short or long rest within 30 feet of your spirit pyre, you can gain a number of spirit fragments equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), which are acquired from the ashes of the fire once it is extinguished. You may only hold up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) in spirit fragments at any one time.

Call Spirits Level: 2

Also at 2nd level, you are able to harness the will and strength of the spirits to provide you with guidance when needed. When you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can expend one spirit fragment and gain advantage on a roll. The spirits are a source of knowledge and skills beyond your understanding.

Blessing of the Pyre Level: 2

At 2nd level, your spirit pyre is able to bless you and your companions with assistance. When you maintain your spirit pyre for the full duration of a long rest, you are able to acquire greater assistance with the spirits of the pyre. Any creatures of your choice, including yourself, that stayed within 30 feet of the spirit pyre for the duration of the long rest must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature immune to possession always succeeds on this save while other creatures can choose to fail this saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is possessed by the spirits of your pyre. The possessed creature can choose any one skill of its choice to gain guidance with. As long as the creature is possessed by the spirits, it can use your Wisdom modifier instead of it’s own bonuses when making ability checks with the chosen skill.

After 24 hours, the spirits leave the body of its host and continues on to the afterlife.

Commune with the Spirits Level: 6

At 6th level, you have gained a greater understanding of the realm beyond, and are able to isolate a spirit to communicate with. If you spend 10 minutes chanting and kindling your spirit pyre, you are able to summon a projection of a random spirit from within your fire.

You are able to isolate the spirit projected by giving a single restriction to the spirit called. For instance, you could request the oldest spirit, or the spirit of an artisan. If you know the name of a spirit that you believe is within your spirit pyre, you can use the name as the restriction. If that spirit is within the pyre, it will be projected.

The projection remains for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) allowing you to ask it questions, or otherwise communicate with it. While this effect is active both you and the projected spirit can communicate through the Druidic language. The spirit is able to do so even if the spirit doesn’t know the druidic language or any other language.

While present, the spirit is under no obligation to reply to you, speak, or even be truthful. The spirit possesses the desires, opinions, and beliefs it had in life at the moment it died. Despite this, you are able to use your action and force the spirit to act as desired. You can force the spirit to make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. The spirit uses the Charisma saving throw it had in life. On a failed save, you can force the creature to speak to you truthfully. If the spirit succeeds on this save more than once, the projection ends and the spirit returns to the pyre.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you complete a long rest.

Spirit Shape Level: 10

Starting at 10th level, you are able to call to the spirits to envelope you in a shroud of spiritual essence. When you use your Wild Shape feature, you can also expend two spirit fragments to transform into a spiritual form. This form takes on the appearance, and statistics of a Poltergeist (variant of the Specter in the Monster Manual pg. 279). While in this form, you retain the ability to cast any spells you know from the Necromancy school of magic.

The ability to cast Necromancy spells is intended to be a ribbon like ability for this form, as the Druid has very few Necromancy spells. However, a multiclassed Druid could make great use of this by gaining Necromancy magic from another classes spell list. There may also be homebrewed Necromancy spells for the Druid to gain.

Because of this, check with your Dungeon Master if they wish to remove the ability to cast Necromancy magic from this form, due to the above concerns.

Spirit Shroud Level: 14

At 14th level, the spirits you have joined with provide you protections from beyond. When you end your turn with 0 hit points, you can expend one spirit fragment to recover 3d8 + your Druid level in hit points. The spirits revitalize you.

Also, even the spirits trapped in the material world begin to see you as a paragon. Undead with the Incorporeal Movement feature will never initiate a fight against you or your companions, but will fight with its full strength if one of you initiates combat. The undead may give you cryptic warnings and messages, and some may ask for your help.


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