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Avatar Lykeios

Oh, and one more thing! I had a thought just now. If you’d prefer not doing more damage for the breath weapon you could do something like “chain lightning” for lightning breath, “spreading flames” for fire, “acidic mist” for acid, and so on as the character levels. That way the. . .

Avatar Lykeios

Thank you so much for this!! I didn’t even notice when I started making my character how bad this race is. It’s almost like they added it in as an afterthought with no or very little playtesting. They’re so bad.

. . .
Avatar Broghar

Excellent article. These feats are definately outdated at this point and updating the list to include many more would be great. At the end of the day, the PC’s power level can be matched by the DM no matter what and a feat here or a feat there should not be considered too much so if it. . .

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  • The spirit well creates a fountain of souls that seek out a host which allows the Druid to take control and puppeteer the victims.

  • monster


    The hannibal is a deceptive undead that hides in plain sight in order to get what it wants: the memories and nourishment of grey matter.

  • The circle of spirits is a druid that calls into the land of the lost, and makes pacts and dealing with the spirits of the world.

  • This cantrip creates multiple arcane needles that fan outwards, striking multiple foes around you. The needles are assured to land true.

  • Draw your magic from the world around you and unleash it on your foes, leaving them sensitive to the wrath of the elements.

  • The behemoth is a highly social monstrosity, that appears similar to a dragon and shark combined. This is the ancient form of the creature.

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    The spitfire is a tiny fire breathing lizard that is found across the vast arctic landscape and mountains that can act as a familiar to spell casters.

  • archetype


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  • An oil that resembles quicksilver which instantaneously coats itself around you and increases you intiative while providing you an additional turn in combat.

  • A Con Artist is are able to mislead unsuspecting creatures by forging detailed fake treasures, gag objects, even create unexpectedly deadly objects.

  • archetype

    Beast Master

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  • The Discipline of Absorption is an archetype for the Savant homebrew class. This archetype focuses on the magics of mitigation and nullification to remain safe.

  • The Discipline of Prediction is an archetype for the Savant homebrew class. This archetype focuses on the magics of divination and perception to fight.

  • The Discipline of Adaption is an archetype for the Savant homebrew class. This archetype focuses on the magics of adaption to adjust to the situation.

  • A partially melted glass orb that contains a dark red liquid that when shattered releases a ball of magical hellfire capable of unleashing untold destruction.

  • class


    The Savant is a intelligence based martial character. The Savant excels at luring creatures into unsuspecting traps, and gathering knowledge.

  • The behemoth is a highly social monstrosity, that appears similar to a dragon and shark combined. This is the adult form of the creature.

  • A multi-colored potion that when consumed allows you to freely change the color of your body and equipment to any color in the rainbow.

  • The Medicine Man can create potent tonics and salves for themselves or their allies to help them heal and recover from various conditions.

  • A mundane looking oil with the consistency of vegetable oil that when applied to a creature gives it immunity to several life-altering afflictions.

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