Potion of Appraisal
A shimmering liquid that resembles melted gold and when consumed causes all objects you can perceive to glow relative to their monetary value.
A shimmering liquid that resembles melted gold and when consumed causes all objects you can perceive to glow relative to their monetary value.
A soft, blue syrup that when consumed directly or through spiked food or drink causes you to permanently forget all memories of the past 24 hours.
A mystical blue potion that emits a strong magical aura and when consumed allows you to recover an amount of spell slots based on its potency.
A platinum-colored liquid that is constantly churning in its bottle and when ingested temporarily increases your proficiency for the one hour.
A potion with two constantly shifting liquids that when consumed provides you with an additional Reaction you can perform each round while in combat.
A glass orb which contains a golden liquid that when broken fills an area with a shining halo of light that heals damage and cures various afflictions
A gray liquid that when consumed makes your footing strong enough to withstand any force that might attempt to move you or knock you prone.
A potion that when held shows visions of far off worlds and when consumed protects you from the dangerous effects of other planes of existence.
A potion which appears to be decorated with dragon scales and that when opened summons a dragon that aids you for one minute before dissolving into powder.
A mundane looking oil with the consistency of vegetable oil that when applied to a creature gives it immunity to several life-altering afflictions.