Potion of Planar Immunity
A potion that when held shows visions of far off worlds and when consumed protects you from the dangerous effects of other planes of existence.
A potion that when held shows visions of far off worlds and when consumed protects you from the dangerous effects of other planes of existence.
A dull brown potion which changes colors in the presence of magic and when consumed gives you advantages on all saving throws caused by spells or spell effects.
An orange liquid that amplifies your voice and gives you the ability to deliver pain-inducing cries capable of deafening creatures and breaking fragile objects.
A metallic liquid that upon consumption hardens your skin and gives you an Armor Class that is equivalent to the heaviest suits of armors.
A potion that shines with brilliant white light and when ingested causes your body to glow while you are in the dark or dim-light.
A purple potion with unusual crawling shadows that when opened causes an explosion of horrific visions and makes all nearby creatures frightened of you.
A platinum-colored liquid that is constantly churning in its bottle and when ingested temporarily increases your proficiency for the one hour.
This white potion comes in a bottle twice size of a normal potion and when mixed with another potion it duplicates the added potion to double the dose.
A mystical blue potion that emits a strong magical aura and when consumed allows you to recover an amount of spell slots based on its potency.
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, allows you share one another’s proficiencies in skills, saving throws, equipment.