Potion of Mind Numbing
A dark green potion that appears to play tricks on wary observers and when consumed obscures your thoughts and shields your mind from outside influence. .
A dark green potion that appears to play tricks on wary observers and when consumed obscures your thoughts and shields your mind from outside influence. .
A black potion with white pebbles inside that when consumed allows you to project your voice from a different point of origin that you can see.
A shimmering liquid that resembles melted gold and when consumed causes all objects you can perceive to glow relative to their monetary value.
A platinum-colored liquid that is constantly churning in its bottle and when ingested temporarily increases your proficiency for the one hour.
A mystical blue potion that emits a strong magical aura and when consumed allows you to recover an amount of spell slots based on its potency.
A rose tinted elixir that when consumed causes pleasing hallucinations and pleasureful sensations while removing undesirable feelings.
A potion that shines with brilliant white light and when ingested causes your body to glow while you are in the dark or dim-light.
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, allows you to synergize and share your action economy.
A potion which appears to be decorated with dragon scales and that when opened summons a dragon that aids you for one minute before dissolving into powder.
A violet potion that contains swirling rainbow bubbles and when consumed amplifies your spells to act as if they were casted from a spell slot 2 levels higher.