Potion of Mana
A mystical blue potion that emits a strong magical aura and when consumed allows you to recover an amount of spell slots based on its potency.
A mystical blue potion that emits a strong magical aura and when consumed allows you to recover an amount of spell slots based on its potency.
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.
A bubbling, green elixir that when consumed either directly or mixed within food, forcefully transforms you into a small, harmless critter.
A tall bottle which contains the spherical manifestation of an element and when consumed allows you to absorb the imbued element to recover health.
A potion that shines with brilliant white light and when ingested causes your body to glow while you are in the dark or dim-light.
A green, gelatinous mucus that when applied to a creature causes them to become slightly transparent and gain the properties and likeness of an ooze.
A icy glass sphere that when shattered releases a chilling, arctic blast capable of freezing water and causing creatures to drop objects in their hands.
A potion consisting of nine separate liquids that when mixed together and ingested with food or drink reveals the true alignment of a creature.
A potion which appears to be decorated with dragon scales and that when opened summons a dragon that aids you for one minute before dissolving into powder.
A rosey pink potion that has the sweet smell of honey and can make spoiled, poisoned, or contaminated food and drink edible and delicious.