Potion of the Mechanic
An unusual gray liquid that contains swirling gray fractals and allows you to see mechanical objects and constructs embedded within walls after consumption.
An unusual gray liquid that contains swirling gray fractals and allows you to see mechanical objects and constructs embedded within walls after consumption.
A cursed potion that appears to be a Potion of Elemental Control. However, opening the potion will releases an invisible stalker that desires to kill you.
A metallic liquid that upon consumption hardens your skin and gives you an Armor Class that is equivalent to the heaviest suits of armors.
A thin, granular liquid that corrodes non-magical objects and damages constructs but remedies the effects of petrification on living creatures.
A gray liquid that when consumed makes your footing strong enough to withstand any force that might attempt to move you or knock you prone.
A shimmering liquid that resembles melted gold and when consumed causes all objects you can perceive to glow relative to their monetary value.
A rose tinted elixir that when consumed causes pleasing hallucinations and pleasureful sensations while removing undesirable feelings.
A golden-orange oil that when applied to a creature or object suspends time for the creature or object for up to half a millennium.
A multi-colored potion that when consumed allows you to freely change the color of your body and equipment to any color in the rainbow.
A thick, black substance that reeks of corpses and when applied to a creature gives them a foul smell that can poison and sicken others.