Philter of False Death
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.
A black potion that when consumed projects an illusion next to you that makes you appear to be standing in a spot near to your actual location.
A purple potion with gold flakes that allows you after transcend the normal limits of mortals and bestows the effects of several spells at once.
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A thin, granular liquid that corrodes non-magical objects and damages constructs but remedies the effects of petrification on living creatures.
A blue and pink potion that alters your physical body and appearance after consumption to match the opposite biological sex of your race.
A liquid with no discernible taste or color that when ingested causes a creature to become obscured in the minds and memories of those they encounter.
A dark green potion that appears to play tricks on wary observers and when consumed obscures your thoughts and shields your mind from outside influence. .
A potion that shines with brilliant white light and when ingested causes your body to glow while you are in the dark or dim-light.
A red and purple potion that give you enhanced proficiency in two skills of your choice or doubles the proficiency of one skill you have already mastered.