Potion of Reflexes
A potion with two constantly shifting liquids that when consumed provides you with an additional Reaction you can perform each round while in combat.
A potion with two constantly shifting liquids that when consumed provides you with an additional Reaction you can perform each round while in combat.
A rose tinted elixir that when consumed causes pleasing hallucinations and pleasureful sensations while removing undesirable feelings.
An orange liquid that amplifies your voice and gives you the ability to deliver pain-inducing cries capable of deafening creatures and breaking fragile objects.
A gray liquid that when consumed makes your footing strong enough to withstand any force that might attempt to move you or knock you prone.
A mundane looking oil with the consistency of vegetable oil that when applied to a creature gives it immunity to several life-altering afflictions.
A liquid with no discernible taste or color that when ingested causes a creature to become obscured in the minds and memories of those they encounter.
A potion consisting of nine separate liquids that when mixed together and ingested with food or drink reveals the true alignment of a creature.
A thick liquid with the consistency of coagulated blood that when ingested allows you to recover a random amount of hit points every turn.
A mystical black potion, so dark it almost cannot be observed, that when consumed temporarily gives you the extraordinary ability to see even when blinded.
A violet potion that contains swirling rainbow bubbles and when consumed amplifies your spells to act as if they were casted from a spell slot 2 levels higher.