Potion of Displacement
A black potion that when consumed projects an illusion next to you that makes you appear to be standing in a spot near to your actual location.
A black potion that when consumed projects an illusion next to you that makes you appear to be standing in a spot near to your actual location.
A soft, blue syrup that when consumed directly or through spiked food or drink causes you to permanently forget all memories of the past 24 hours.
A violet potion that contains swirling rainbow bubbles and when consumed amplifies your spells to act as if they were casted from a spell slot 2 levels higher.
A dark violet liquid that always possesses two shadows and when ingested allows you to always be within the shadows, no matter the amount of light.
A cursed potion which appears to be a Potion of Mind Reading but when consumed actually makes you say aloud whatever you are currently thinking.
A vivid orange-colored oil that smells of brimstone and allows a creature to become impervious to the natural world and its hazards in various ways.
An unusual gray liquid that contains swirling gray fractals and allows you to see mechanical objects and constructs embedded within walls after consumption.
A tall bottle which contains the spherical manifestation of an element and when consumed allows you to absorb the imbued element to recover health.
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A potion which appears to be decorated with dragon scales and that when opened summons a dragon that aids you for one minute before dissolving into powder.