Oil of the Ooze
A green, gelatinous mucus that when applied to a creature causes them to become slightly transparent and gain the properties and likeness of an ooze.
A green, gelatinous mucus that when applied to a creature causes them to become slightly transparent and gain the properties and likeness of an ooze.
A thick creamy sludge that smells delicious but when applied to an object or consumed by a creature, the oil transforms it into a random food substance.
A cursed potion that appears to be a Potion of Elemental Control. However, opening the potion will releases an invisible stalker that desires to kill you.
A platinum-colored liquid that is constantly churning in its bottle and when ingested temporarily increases your proficiency for the one hour.
A glass sphere that appears empty but is actually filled with invisible gas that when released turns an entire area and all creatures within it invisible.
A golden-orange oil that when applied to a creature or object suspends time for the creature or object for up to half a millennium.
A potion that shines with brilliant white light and when ingested causes your body to glow while you are in the dark or dim-light.
A potion consisting of nine separate liquids that when mixed together and ingested with food or drink reveals the true alignment of a creature.
A bottle that appears to contain storm inside and when opened creates a torrential downpour that extinguishes all flames and floods enclosed areas.
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.