Potion of Elemental Control
A silvery liquid that when consumed aligns you with a specific elemental plane and gives you a abilities to control and interact with that element.
A silvery liquid that when consumed aligns you with a specific elemental plane and gives you a abilities to control and interact with that element.
A mystical blue potion that emits a strong magical aura and when consumed allows you to recover an amount of spell slots based on its potency.
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.
An oil that resembles quicksilver which instantaneously coats itself around you and increases you intiative while providing you an additional turn in combat.
A purple potion with gold flakes that allows you after consumption.to transcend the normal limits of mortals and bestows the effects of several spells at once.
A golden-orange oil that when applied to a creature or object suspends time for the creature or object for up to half a millennium.
An orange liquid that amplifies your voice and gives you the ability to deliver pain-inducing cries capable of deafening creatures and breaking fragile objects.
A bottle that appears to contain storm inside and when opened creates a torrential downpour that extinguishes all flames and floods enclosed areas.
An opaque blue potion with golden, rotating orbs inside that when consumed gives you the benefits of a Short Rest and reduces two levels of Exhaustion.
A cursed potion that appears to be a Potion of Baleful Polymorph. However, drinking the potion transforms you first into a sheep and then into a werewolf.