Potion of Terror
A purple potion with unusual crawling shadows that when opened causes an explosion of horrific visions and makes all nearby creatures frightened of you.
A purple potion with unusual crawling shadows that when opened causes an explosion of horrific visions and makes all nearby creatures frightened of you.
A soft, blue syrup that when consumed directly or through spiked food or drink causes you to permanently forget all memories of the past 24 hours.
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, allows you share one another’s proficiencies in skills, saving throws, equipment.
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A icy glass sphere that when shattered releases a chilling, arctic blast capable of freezing water and causing creatures to drop objects in their hands.
A blue and pink potion that alters your physical body and appearance after consumption to match the opposite biological sex of your race.
A bottle that appears to contain storm inside and when opened creates a torrential downpour that extinguishes all flames and floods enclosed areas.
A dull brown potion which changes colors in the presence of magic and when consumed gives you advantages on all saving throws caused by spells or spell effects.
A rose tinted elixir that when consumed causes pleasing hallucinations and pleasureful sensations while removing undesirable feelings.
A green, gelatinous mucus that when applied to a creature causes them to become slightly transparent and gain the properties and likeness of an ooze.