Potion of Friendship
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, creates a magical bond of friendship between the two of you.
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, creates a magical bond of friendship between the two of you.
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, allows you to synergize and share your action economy.
A potion which appears to be decorated with dragon scales and that when opened summons a dragon that aids you for one minute before dissolving into powder.
An ever-changing potion that when consumed allows you to take on a false appearance that is similar to surrounding natural formations or architecture fixtures.
A potion that when held shows visions of far off worlds and when consumed protects you from the dangerous effects of other planes of existence.
A small glass orb that when broken releases a green, tranquilizing vapor capable of making creatures that breathe in the vapor docile and indifferent.
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A cursed potion which appears to be a Potion of Mind Reading but when consumed actually makes you say aloud whatever you are currently thinking.
A tall bottle which contains the spherical manifestation of an element and when consumed allows you to absorb the imbued element to recover health.
A icy glass sphere that when shattered releases a chilling, arctic blast capable of freezing water and causing creatures to drop objects in their hands.