Potion of Creature Protection
A bland, unfinished potion that smells of a particular creature type and when consumed gives you the ability to repel attacks from those types of creatures
A bland, unfinished potion that smells of a particular creature type and when consumed gives you the ability to repel attacks from those types of creatures
A mystical black potion, so dark it almost cannot be observed, that when consumed temporarily gives you the extraordinary ability to see even when blinded.
A vivid orange-colored oil that smells of brimstone and allows a creature to become impervious to the natural world and its hazards in various ways.
A rose tinted elixir that when consumed causes pleasing hallucinations and pleasureful sensations while removing undesirable feelings.
A platinum-colored liquid that is constantly churning in its bottle and when ingested temporarily increases your proficiency for the one hour.
A shimmering liquid that resembles melted gold and when consumed causes all objects you can perceive to glow relative to their monetary value.
A cursed potion that appears to be a Potion of Elemental Control. However, opening the potion will releases an invisible stalker that desires to kill you.
A soft, blue syrup that when consumed directly or through spiked food or drink causes you to permanently forget all memories of the past 24 hours.
A violet potion that contains swirling rainbow bubbles and when consumed amplifies your spells to act as if they were casted from a spell slot 2 levels higher.
A dull brown potion which changes colors in the presence of magic and when consumed gives you advantages on all saving throws caused by spells or spell effects.