Potion of Spell Resistence
A dull brown potion which changes colors in the presence of magic and when consumed gives you advantages on all saving throws caused by spells or spell effects.
A dull brown potion which changes colors in the presence of magic and when consumed gives you advantages on all saving throws caused by spells or spell effects.
A golden-orange oil that when applied to a creature or object suspends time for the creature or object for up to half a millennium.
A mundane looking oil with the consistency of vegetable oil that when applied to a creature gives it immunity to several life-altering afflictions.
A black potion with white pebbles inside that when consumed allows you to project your voice from a different point of origin that you can see.
A vivid orange-colored oil that smells of brimstone and allows a creature to become impervious to the natural world and its hazards in various ways.
A vibrant red potion is shaped like a heart and pulses when held. If you drink this potion, you regain hit dice as well as recover hit points.
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.
A black potion that when consumed projects an illusion next to you that makes you appear to be standing in a spot near to your actual location.
A thin, granular liquid that corrodes non-magical objects and damages constructs but remedies the effects of petrification on living creatures.
An orange liquid that amplifies your voice and gives you the ability to deliver pain-inducing cries capable of deafening creatures and breaking fragile objects.