Potion of Absent Mindedness
A cursed potion which appears to be a Potion of Mind Reading but when consumed actually makes you say aloud whatever you are currently thinking.
A cursed potion which appears to be a Potion of Mind Reading but when consumed actually makes you say aloud whatever you are currently thinking.
A thick creamy sludge that smells delicious but when applied to an object or consumed by a creature, the oil transforms it into a random food substance.
A mystical black potion, so dark it almost cannot be observed, that when consumed temporarily gives you the extraordinary ability to see even when blinded.
A liquid with no discernible taste or color that when ingested causes a creature to become obscured in the minds and memories of those they encounter.
A bottle that appears to contain storm inside and when opened creates a torrential downpour that extinguishes all flames and floods enclosed areas.
A vivid orange-colored oil that smells of brimstone and allows a creature to become impervious to the natural world and its hazards in various ways.
A viscous, skin-toned sludge that when applied to a creature, temporarily changes its appearance and features to match the race associated with the oil.
A glass orb which contains a golden liquid that when broken fills an area with a shining halo of light that heals damage and cures various afflictions
A potion that when held shows visions of far off worlds and when consumed protects you from the dangerous effects of other planes of existence.
A blue and pink potion that alters your physical body and appearance after consumption to match the opposite biological sex of your race.