Potion of Baleful Polymorph
A bubbling, green elixir that when consumed either directly or mixed within food, forcefully transforms you into a small, harmless critter.
A bubbling, green elixir that when consumed either directly or mixed within food, forcefully transforms you into a small, harmless critter.
A dark green potion that appears to play tricks on wary observers and when consumed obscures your thoughts and shields your mind from outside influence. .
A vibrant red potion is shaped like a heart and pulses when held. If you drink this potion, you regain hit dice as well as recover hit points.
A bland, unfinished potion that smells of a particular creature type and when consumed gives you the ability to repel attacks from those types of creatures
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A mystical black potion, so dark it almost cannot be observed, that when consumed temporarily gives you the extraordinary ability to see even when blinded.
A pair of conjoined potions that when consumed by you and another creature, allows you share one another’s proficiencies in skills, saving throws, equipment.
A potion consisting of nine separate liquids that when mixed together and ingested with food or drink reveals the true alignment of a creature.
A shimmering liquid that resembles melted gold and when consumed causes all objects you can perceive to glow relative to their monetary value.
A icy glass sphere that when shattered releases a chilling, arctic blast capable of freezing water and causing creatures to drop objects in their hands.