Oil of Protection
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A clay jar with a watery white oil that when applied to a creature provides it with 20 temporary health points to protect it from damage.
A thick, black substance that reeks of corpses and when applied to a creature gives them a foul smell that can poison and sicken others.
A soft, blue syrup that when consumed directly or through spiked food or drink causes you to permanently forget all memories of the past 24 hours.
A black potion with white pebbles inside that when consumed allows you to project your voice from a different point of origin that you can see.
A mystical black potion, so dark it almost cannot be observed, that when consumed temporarily gives you the extraordinary ability to see even when blinded.
A purple tar-like potion that when ingested causes you fall unconscious and take on the appearance of a corpse, while retaining your hearing and sense of touch.
A potion consisting of nine separate liquids that when mixed together and ingested with food or drink reveals the true alignment of a creature.
An ever-changing potion that when consumed allows you to take on a false appearance that is similar to surrounding natural formations or architecture fixtures.
A blue and pink potion that alters your physical body and appearance after consumption to match the opposite biological sex of your race.
A gray liquid that when consumed makes your footing strong enough to withstand any force that might attempt to move you or knock you prone.