Swift Minded
The character with a swift mind can see dangerous situations before it begins, allowing them to avoid danger entirely with their keen intelligence.
The character with a swift mind can see dangerous situations before it begins, allowing them to avoid danger entirely with their keen intelligence.
The Concocter is a master of the mad sciences, able to create strange, and sometimes volatile concoctions to cause sudden changes.
The Patch Worker can create durable patches that can be applies to some armors to provide enhanced survivability in many situations.
With Battle Stance you can hold your ground against enemies by switching into particular stances in order to gain both offensive and defensive benefits.
The Artisan Brewer allows you to create powerful brews to slip to your secret rivals or to invigorate your allies strength.
A Fletcher can enhance arrows and bolts to greater effect, providing offensive bonuses, such as additional damage or range.
The Sole Crafter can create marvelous attachments for any pair of boots, which provide enhanced mobility and a variety of bonus actions.
As a master of arithmetic, a character can calculate distances, solve mathematical problems, or count far quicker than anyone else could ever.
This feat works together with the homebrewed exotic weapon rules in order to allow for a more specialized weapon at the expense of a feat.
A telekinetic character can use their mind to manipulate and even interact with objects from a distance, such as pulling a lever or pushing a block.