A telekinetic character can use their mind to manipulate and even interact with objects from a distance, such as pulling a lever or pushing a block.
A telekinetic character can use their mind to manipulate and even interact with objects from a distance, such as pulling a lever or pushing a block.
A Fletcher can enhance arrows and bolts to greater effect, providing offensive bonuses, such as additional damage or range.
The Jester is a character that can speak their mind and be open about their opinions, and hide their intentions well. They are believed to be always joking.
The tough negotiator is a master of conversation, and can read the signs of aggression and hostile quick and efficiently.
The master blaster is a character who knows how to make the most of their area spells, and ensure they won’t be caught in the crossfire.
This feat allows a character to move with grace and elegance, allowing them to pass through others or fall gracefully with ease.
This feat works together with the homebrewed exotic weapon rules in order to allow for a more specialized weapon at the expense of a feat.
The Platesmith can create incredible plates that can be affixed to any metal weapons or armor to provide enhanced effects.
A character can channel their inner focus and tap into their Ki to keep themselves healthy, and keep themselves stationary.
The Patch Worker can create durable patches that can be applies to some armors to provide enhanced survivability in many situations.