As a master of arithmetic, a character can calculate distances, solve mathematical problems, or count far quicker than anyone else could ever.
As a master of arithmetic, a character can calculate distances, solve mathematical problems, or count far quicker than anyone else could ever.
The Platesmith can create incredible plates that can be affixed to any metal weapons or armor to provide enhanced effects.
The Gourmand is the finest of chefs, able to produce foods so wonderful and invigorating, that it helps to heal and protect those who eat.
The Sole Crafter can create marvelous attachments for any pair of boots, which provide enhanced mobility and a variety of bonus actions.
This modified version of sharpshooter is designed to remove the -5/+10 mechanic, while ensuring sharpshooter still feels good.
The Artisan Brewer allows you to create powerful brews to slip to your secret rivals or to invigorate your allies strength.
This feat allows a character to move with grace and elegance, allowing them to pass through others or fall gracefully with ease.
The master blaster is a character who knows how to make the most of their area spells, and ensure they won’t be caught in the crossfire.
This modified healer feat makes a subtle changes that makes a character with this feat feel more like a doctor or surgeon.
The Jester is a character that can speak their mind and be open about their opinions, and hide their intentions well. They are believed to be always joking.